
Working with Photo Studios

 How to Extend Your Season by Working with Photo Studios. 3  AMAZING Santa’s joined me to share our experiences working with photo studios.

We have “Santa for Honolulu” Santa Marty. Santa Marty has added weeks to his season and thousands of dollars to his income, Santa Martysometimes as much as $1,000 per day, by working with photo studios. He will share how he started working with studios, what he does to “keep the magic alive” for an hour-long photo shoot and much more.

The second Santa is Santa Patrick Faulds (SC Santa). SC Santa has a wealth of experience to share, He’s worked in studios ranging from Sears & Walmart, in fact, he was THE “Sam’s Club Santa”. He’s done high-end settings with award-winning SC Santaphotographers, he’s done commercial photo shoots… SC Santa is a wealth of resources.

WE ALSO HAVE Santa Claus CLIFF SNIDER. Santa Cliff works with professional photographers in their studios producing portraits and Christmas cards for their clients. His work as Santa with all of these talented artists has placed his image into the homes of more people than any other Santa, earning me the distinction of being “the most recognized Santa Claus in America.”

Santa CliffWe can ALL learn from Santa Cliff!

I, Santa Ed Taylor, round out the panel sharing my experiences of working with a Larry Hersberger (Kissing Tree Studios) protégé in Southern California as well as my experience working in Walmart & Sears studios and doing “commercial photography” work.

Additionally, you will receive:

  • A clause you can add to photo releases to help protect how your image will be used,
  • copy of the postcard SC Santa used to get started working with studios and much more.

This session is included in your GOLD Membership

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