
My “End of Season Questions”

I’m doing this today, and you may want to too

Well, it’s over… or at least close to over. I know a few Santa’s may have a New Year’s Eve visit and/or a January 6th visit… or perhaps a few others, but for many the season has ended and for all of us the rush is over.

Now what?

Well, here’s what I’m doing right now…

I’m going back over every one of my events and asking myself; What went GREAT at this event? What went badly at this event? How could I make this event better next year? What can I learn from this event to make my other events better?

From my first event to my last… I pull them op on my calendar, I review the notes I made. I try to remember as much about the event as possible and then I think about every aspect of THAT event.

The communications?

The drive?

The arrival, parking?

My Grand Entrance?

My performance, book reading, storytelling, etc.?

Was I busy the entire time?

How was my “set”, would the photos have been better if things were different?

I ask myself EVERY QUESTION I can think of and I add my thoughts to my “Make 2017 Santa Visits EVEN Better” document.

I’m also making notes about my wardrobe. I’m making notes about my favorite and least favorite events and what I liked and disliked about them.

By asking these types of questions at the end of the season for the last few years I’m finding my seasons are becoming more and more fun for me each year.

Here are the 3 most important questions of all

  1. Do I complain regularly throughout the season?
  2. To who, the person, people, social?Why?
  3. What improves because of your complaining?

JOIN US- FREE: Many dozens of Santa’s from across North America and some from around the world will be sharing experiences from their 2016 seasons. Register here-  https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/371274669851405827

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